Tuesday, June 30, 2009


As per usual I have failed in attempting to write as much as I would want to or as much as I would plan too. It always starts out well meaning and ends in an Oedipus style tragedy. The first tragedy replaying itself for a millennia for us to never to learn from. Thankfully I will attempt to catch up. I am sure I will leave many holes in the stories I would not have otherwise if I would have recounted them fresh in my mind. Nor will they be engaged in full-fledged Thoreauvian detail. I will ,however, try my best to not only let you live our life; but also create that little bit of jealousy that begins to form at the pit of your stomach. The jealousy that comes from knowing that someone else has something that you can neither have nor attain. But once again it's not that you can not have anything that I possess. I simply mean that you do not require the necessary backbone and presence of mind to carry out such an amazing task as the one that has been undertaken. Some lives are not supposed to be made behind a white picket fence in our pristine American suburbia. Not every family can be stationary, unwavering, unchanging. Not every family can be immersed in a western idea of commercialism and materialism. Some strive for a press from the norm; for cultural acceptance and awareness that can not be found in a home town or a textbook. This awareness is not found in the new car, house, or latest big screen television. Buying a Samsung makes you just as aware of South Koreans as turning your head at a homeless man on the street. We live in a society now that barely strays from their own back yard let alone their state or country. We see intolerance everyday on the news as our national murder rate climbs higher and higher. How are we to be tolerant and accepting of other ideals and nations when we can not even be so with ourselves. The only way I have truly found a way to accept people for their quirks, ideals and mannerisms is to immerse myself into their home, their culture, their daily way of life. I spectate, I watch, I don't judge, I wait. I wait for acceptance. We all Do.

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